Networking, Wireless, Security, Computing Strategies, IoT -- How to Save 'Run-the-Engine' Costs

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Columns & Blog
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Served as columnist for ComputerWorld, Network Compting, and NetworkWorld.
Magazine columns include:

=> Whatever Happened to the OTN? NetworkWorld 06/04/07. // At the beginning of this decade there was a lot of fanfare about the Optical Transport Network. OTN is intended to be the next evolutionary step in a carrier's infrastructure. It's designed to address the requirements of next-generation networks by efficiently transporting heterogeneous data-oriented traffic directly over light beams carried on the same optical backbone.

=> IPv6: Today or tomorrow? NetworkWorld 03/06/07. // The industry has produced several well-documented mechanisms to support a transition to IPv6, including the dual-stack approach, translation (the direct conversion of protocols between IPv4 and IPv6) and tunneling. These mechanisms are amply documented by a family of RFCs. IPv6s designers have developed mechanisms and address types so that IPv6 nodes can communicate with one another in a mixed environment, even if they are supported at the core by an IPv4 infrastructure.

=> Metro Ethernet: Where's the beef? Networkworld 12/07/06. // Where is Metro Ethernet now? Certainly, there is a lot of hype about it.

=> Do we need computing in the network? NetworkWorld 10/02/06. // The 1990s saw the commoditization of LAN technology. Today we are seeing the beginning of commoditization of the IP routing function in the intranet, with more on the way as new players enter the network element market.

=> Enterprise architecture is not rocket science. NetworkWorld 07/24/06. // Building an enterprise architecture is not rocket science. Its goal is to create a unified IT environment of standardized hardware and software systems across the firm, with tight links to the business side of the organization.

=> Needed: an enterprise security architecture. NetworkWorld 05/08/06. // What all organizations need is a comprehensive framework for the uniform and organized treatment of all aspects of security. This can be accomplished through a well-thought-out security architecture.

=> The virtue of virtualization. NetworkWorld 02/27/06. // Virtualization is a well-known concept in networking, from virtual channels in ATM, to virtual private networks, virtual LANs and virtual IP addresses. However, an even more fundamental type of virtualization is achievable with today's ubiquitous networks: machine cycle and storage virtualization through the auspices of grid computing and IP storage.

=> ZigBee: What's in it for me? NetworkWorld 12/05/05. // ZigBee is expected to become a global specification for reliable, cost-effective, low-power wireless applications, providing interoperability and desirable radio frequency performance characteristics.

=> Start planning for the nanorevolution. NetworkWorld 07/25/05. // Nanoelectronics is here: Magnetic RAM chips are shipping, organic light-emitting diode displays are in prototype, and carbon nanotube interconnects and nanowires will appear in a couple of years. Nanotechnology is entering the telecom and IT fields, so start learning about it now.

=> Why VoIP over IPv6 will be better. NetworkWorld 10/10/05. // Next-generation VoIP networks based on IPv6 are now on the drawing board to address scalability and commercial-grade reliability issues.

=> Preparing for next-gen extranets. NetworkWorld 6/10/05. // When corporations take a rational view of their extranet and re-architect the extranet apparatus that might have developed incrementally over the years, they can achieve savings of 20% to 30% in monthly recurring costs.

=> Is MPLS ready for prime time? NetworkWorld 3/28/05. // Many carriers are replacing their aging ATM WAN services with Multi-protocol Label Switching services. Carriers and equipment manufacturers virtually have stopped enhancing their ATM networks and equipment.

-- To Follow --

Daniel Minoli (c)